My Mother’s Daughter by Perdita Felicien recommended by Olivia Bridgman

Apr 19, 2023

Olivia Bridgman is a finalist for the 2023 Poetry In Voice recitation contest. (Submitted by Olivia Bridgman)

“Throughout this memoir, Perdita Felicien is candid about her mother’s life in St. Lucia prior to her immigration journey to Canada and the seemingly all-encompassing struggles she faced in a lonely new world. As the story progresses, readers learn about the author’s upbringing, remarkable Olympic career, and transition into journalism.

“In a world where social media often taints our view of reality, this fiercely honest and heartfelt autobiography is truly refreshing. Felicien intimately recounts her journey of struggle, resilience, and ultimate triumph.

Felicien intimately recounts her journey of struggle, resilience, and ultimate triumph.– Olivia Bridgman

“As a generation that has had to overcome a pandemic and the devastating repercussions of it, this novel is a raw reminder that we are not defined by how or when we fall but rather by the journey of how we rise above it all.

“I recommend this book to any individual who feels as though the obstacles they face are unsurmountable.”

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